Blues Against Hunger hosts many concerts and jams in Mexico. Below are Spanish English musical terms to help you communicate on International jams.
Tonalidad | Key Signature
- Do - C
- Re - D
- Mi -E
- Fa - F
- Sol - G
- La - A
- Ti - B
- Mayor - Major
- Menor - Minor
- Sostenido - Sharp
- Bemol - Flat
- Alteración (de una nota) - Sharps, flats and natural signs
- Apoyatura - Grace note
- Armadura - Sharps/Flats in Key Signature
- Armonía - Harmony
- Aumentada - Augmented
- Barra - Bar line
- Becuadro - Natural
- Bicordio - 2 notes
- Blanca - Half note
- Cadencia - Cadence
- Cifra indicadora - Time signature
- Clave - Clef
- Compas - Measure
- Corchea - Eighth Note
- Cromatica - Chromatic
- Cuartina - Divided by 4
- Denominador - Denominator. The 4 in 2/4 time.
- Diapente - Fifth
- Diatessaron - Fourth
- Diatonico - 2 whole steps, 1 half step
- Disminuida - Diminished
- Doble Punto - Double Dot, as in a double dotted half note. Which would be 3 1/2 beats.
- Dominante - 5th
- Enharmonia - Enharmonic. Such as F# and G flat.
- Fusa - 32nd note
- Intervalo - Interval
- Ligadura Conjuntiva - Tie
- Ligadura Expresiva - Slur
- Matiz - Dynamics
- Mediante - 3rd
- Negra - Quarter Note
- Numerador - Numerator. The 2 in 2/4 time.
- Obertura - Overture
- Octava - Octave
- Pauta - The 5 lines and 4 spaces that make up a measure. Also known as Pentagrama.
- Pentagrama - The 5 lines and 4 spaces that make up a measure. Also known as Pauta.
- Pentatónica - Pentatonic
- Picado - staccato plus marcato
- Polifonia - Polyphony
- Punto - Dot, as in from a dotted half note. Which would be 3 beats.
- Redonda - Whole Note
- Ritornello - "little repeat"
- Seisillo - Divided by 6
- Semicorchea - Sixteenth Note
- Semitono - Half Step
- Sensible - 7th
- Silencio - Rest
- Sincopa - Syncopation
- Solfear - Singing the notes giving them their true value and tone.
- Subdominante - 4th
- Submediante - 6th
- Supertonica - 2nd
- Tonalidad - Key Signature
- Tónica - 1st
- Tono - Whole Step
- Tresillo - Divided by 3
- Triadas - Triads
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